ブログ · 17. April 2018
英語の歌詞を書くコツについて質問をいただいたので、ブログにできるだけ書き留めたものをまとめました。 【コラムページ】 間違いをやらかしたまま発売したものもいくつもあり、今振り返ると稚拙な表現も多いのですが、常に勉強して向上する意識で取り組んでおります。...
14. March 2018
The lyrics for Eco's ep "Hamlet" is published.
14. March 2018
EP "Hamlet" 歌詞/日本語訳詞
19. November 2017
Eco is releasing an EP called "Hamlet" on the 18th of November 2017.
19. November 2017
EP "Hamlet"リリース
23. May 2017
I added Japanese subtitles on a brilliant animation video explains about autism - there's English (and other) subs as well so you don't need to be Japanese to watch it! This video doesn't say everything, there are a lot more that need to be known and understood about autism, but I think it'll help if adults recognise that it's not craziness or rudeness, neither bad parenting, so that little people, or other big people, would know that their little friends are as sweet as themselves.
14. May 2017
ベルリンの鳥の遠慮のない声量が面白くて、録音して編集しています。 公園に座って電話していると、周りの鳥の鳴き声がわたしの声より大きく聞こえるそうです。 暖かくなってきた最近などは、真っ暗な夜中にも鋭いやり取りが聞こえます。昼間に聞こえるたくさんのヤワなピーチクとはまた違うので、そのうちそれも集めたいと思います。
14. May 2017
Have been editing bits and pieces of field recording materials. Not that passionate recording it was, just with my phone. I had been thinking the birds in Berlin are so loud, even louder than the ones in London. When I first sat down in Hyde Park I was hearing birds alongside the music through my headphones. Thought "this is where the music came from, couldn't have been Tokyo..." I was listening to the Beatles, so yeah. But here, they are really loud. Like someone said, they can be heard louder...
28. April 2017

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