Posts tagged with "Soundcloud"

15. April 2017
Remember the chocolate I hid? Maybe you don’t because Even I forgot about it until today Remember the chocolate you ate? Mostly it was gone on one go And you pretended nothing happened I’d let you eat that anyway Cos you know what I liked that you knew I knew And that face that you couldn’t hide I hid it because I cared I hid it because I concerned But I knew you’d be gone anyway Fuck your health, fuck your teeth Why did I care? Why didn’t I fill you up Complete your life Remember the...
07. April 2017
Wrote 2 songs for the album. One is about being left. I wrote it last month, before I got to know the sad news from my mate. The other one is about leaving; for the occasion I need to tell my friends how well I'm doing. Funny I wrote it when I was being left, and the experience made me realise that I always had been the one to leave and how it feels to be left.
07. April 2017
アルバム用に考えている2曲をSoundcloudにアップロードしました。 曲について詳しくはブログに書いてあります。
03. March 2017
Planning to make an album this year.
03. March 2017
2017年中にアルバムでも出せたら良いなと思っているので、新曲を作っています。 歌詞の響きはブログにて。
18. February 2017
Cover song on Soundcloud - Kraftwerk "Autobahn"
18. February 2017
せっかくドイツにいるのでKraftwerkの"Autobahn"をカバーしました。 言い訳はブログに。
12. January 2017
2014年のTransition Town Brixtonというブリクストンの町おこしチャリティプロジェクトの一環で 映像監督のSibylle Mansourに依頼されて作ったサウンドトラックです。 完成作品がこれ。 Make A Life - Make A Living - part one from Sibylle Mansour on Vimeo. 詳しいブログがこれ。
05. October 2016
The assignment was to arrange one of the listed songs with less than 12 instruments or something, and also a full score was to be submitted. The only thing I wanted to do was unison of flute and glockenspiel. Just because I remembered the suggestion from the recording engineer back in 2000 something. I always wanted to try it myself. And it was the time. Oh well, I didn't have both in hands at that time so this sounds meaningless, but now that I have, I could've re-recorded them and posted it....
05. October 2016
2015年、大学の編曲の試験で提出した作品があったのでサウンドクラウド行きです。 フルスコアも書きました。課題曲です。選曲はしていません。 今ならグロッケンシュピールもフルートも手元にあるので、もう一度やるならちゃんと録音します。(やらない)

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